Susanna Cocroft to Jane Addams, December 30, 1914


December 30th, 1914.

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Before I go to Washington to the Peace Convention, at the invitation of the Washington Woman's Constructive Movement, I should like to have so important a personage as Miss Addams know what I am doing and why I am going.

During the past fourteen years I have worked with about 70,000 women all over the world, but mostly in America, correcting physical ailments through exercise, breathing, bathing, and diet, instead of through medicine. My pupils follow my directions and I have been able to relieve all sorts of chronic ailments, build up the circulation, the nervous system, regulate the flesh, etc., and teach women how to rationally care for themselves.

It is because of my contact and influence with these 70,000 women and with some four to five hundred thousand women who have written to me, but have not taken up my work, that the ladies in Washington felt that I could be of very great assistance to them in spreading this movement.

I have never used the names in my files for any other purpose, having always considered these names as coming to me in confidence, but in this Constructive Movement for Peace I am willing to throw myself heart and soul and, because of this influence, I feel that I can be a very strong force in the movement. I am deeply interested in it and whatever I can do for you in Chicago please [do] command me.

Very truly yours,

Susanna Cocroft [signed]

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