Secretary to Jane Addams to Charlotte Perkins Gilman to February 19, 1915


February 19, 1915.

My dear Mrs. Gilman: --

Miss Addams has asked me to write and tell you that all suggestions in regard to designs for badges, flags, etc. for the Woman's Peace Party are being submitted to the Art Committee, of which Miss Florence Holbrook is Chairman, and also that the matter of adopting a flag would have to be passed on by the Executive Council.

You probably know that the pin used by the Chicago delegates at Washington has been adopted as the official badge of the Woman's Peace Party. These are to be sold for fifteen cents apiece, and can be secured from Hyman & Company, 31 North State Street, Chicago.

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman:
67 Wall Street,
New York, N.Y.