Rest Cottage, Evanston, Illinois
February 10, 1915
My dear Miss Addams: --
Please accept my sincere thanks for yours of yesterday, just received. I am deeply interested in Mrs. Catt's proposition, which I note you approve. We have in the World's W.C.T.U., some very influential leaders, especially in the European countries, and I will very gladly submit to them for their consideration, these suggestions made by yourself and Mrs. Catt.
It will give me great pleasure to be a member of the [Cooperating] Council in the [Woman's] Peace Party Organization. I regret that I did not receive the notification of your meeting on January 26 in time to attend.
This morning I have received notice of a National Conference on the subject of peace to be held at the Lake View Building on Michigan Avenue on Saturday and Sunday, February 27 and 28. Our World's and National Organizations have also received invitations from Mrs. May Wright Sewall to [cooperate] in a peace Congress to be held in San Francisco in connection with the Panama-Pacific Exposition. It would seem to me that the [Woman's] Peace Party should be at the front in any such conference in connection with the Exposition. I hope I am doing the right thing in not responding favorably to the request from Mrs. Sewall.
I hope I can arrange before many weeks to call at the new office of the [Woman's] Peace Party and have the great privilege of meeting you there.
Yours very sincerely,
Anna A. Gordon [signed]