Our Emergency Peace Committee in Chicago is being very much pressed by women all over the country to join in the Washington meeting which the Emergency Peace Committee there has called together for the 10th of January.
We have decided on the whole that it will be better to go on for this meeting, and we are calling the emergency organizations in New York, (and do please insist that yours and Mrs. Villard's shall be one of those emergency committees -- to my mind one of the most important ones), Philadelphia, Boston, St. Paul and Nashville, as well as Washington.
In addition to that, we are asking the national organizations of women which have permanent Peace Committees to send representatives to this meeting. I will try to come on for the Child Labor Committee meeting on the 6th of January and stay until the 10th. I suspect it will be impossible for me to [page 2] get to New York in between but will certainly have a visit with you, and perhaps the matter may clear up.
As soon as I hear from Mrs. Catt we will know definitely about proceeding with the New York meeting. It is, in a sense, a back-fire, but the desire of the women to meet is the result of the stirring lectures given by Mrs. Pethick Lawrenc and Madame Schwimmer.
New York, N.Y.