Jane Addams to Ellen Gates Starr, August 1, 1913


Dear Ellen

I am much disappointed that I couldn't come yesterday. I thought perhaps you would let me stay for a week or a few days while you went to Mrs Wilmarth's or some other cooler spot for a rest. I have traditions of housekeeping and nursing you know. If your brother can't stay long enough to let you off perhaps you will let me try it, the first or second week in August.

I have stood the heat very well until last night when I was nauseated at intervals due more to ginger ale I drank at Grace Murphy's, I think, than to the heat [although] they combined badly. I have given up committee meetings for the day and I am feeling much restored at 3 P.M. [page 2] I wish you could get off to Mrs Wilmarth. She is alone this summer. Miss Breckinridge & I drove over from Waukegan last Sunday to see Mrs Young who was with her for a few days. She sent many affectionate messages to you.

I am planning to go east about the fifteenth & will certainly see you before then. I do not in the least dread the journey to Durand after all the burning deserts & hot winds of Egypt anything else seems simple. With my love to your father,

Always devotedly yours

J. A.

Aug 1st 1913