Anonymous ("A Bull Moose") to Jane Addams, December 13, 1912


Chicago, Ill. Dec. 13th 1912.

Hon. Miss Addams!

I am the Bull Moose whose "fingerprint" You find in the German "Abendpost Zeitung" of [today], and congratulate You to the honors the Honorable Theodore Roosevelt showered upon You. I congratulate You furthermore because of the Announcement that the Inter-Ocean has published this morning, that the Editors declare for Woman Suffrage and apologize for having been badly [misinformed]. [Tomorrow] two other Grand Parties will decide for Woman Suffrage, and that means more honors for You.-- I for my part do not look for honors, nor for any favors, I am independent and do not depend from anybody. But because I did not yet [quit] to be a Bull Moose, [page 2] I feel it to be my duty to send You the following information to save You from a disaster:

Last night I have been in the Club-Meeting with some Senators and found out that the Democratic Party and the Republican and Socialistic Parties [accorded] by the Prohibition Party and the United Societies for personal liberty, have laid traps to wreck the Progressive Party on the 15. of this month, <and afterwards>, and demoralize the party for good.-- In order to have them caught in their own trap, I had to make about 5 Shamtraps for the Bull Moose Party. These Shamtraps must be dissolved before the For that reason I sent the "fingerprint" and write to You [today], because I have no time to send a letter to my friend, at N.Y. You will release the Democrats [page 3] from the trap if You tell anybody of this writing, except our future President, His excellency, The Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, my dear old friend, with whom I got [acquainted] when a volunteer of the 'Garde Jaƫger Battalion" at Potsdam!

I. Please notify <and kindly ask> the Hon. Roosevelt by telegram, to instruct our Senators and Congressmen not to side with either Drys [nor Wets].

II. Please order the leaders of our Chicago Progressive Clubs not to advertise or give free cigars, or beer, nor lunch before or during the sessions and keep away from the saloons as much as possible.

III. Please, say nothing against the Bible. (It is the Bible that saved You from 5 traps.)

IV. Please read The Abendpost. [page 4]

VI. Please give me a job when I come as a polish tramp to wash windows, with a raincoat on by frost, snow and cold, and make me clean the worst places and scold me as a dummy and make me work with the suspicious socialists and anarchists, and give me the usual, cheap things to eat,  carpet and sleep on a poor [int], beside the tramps and thieves.--

VII. If I send a real hobo or tramp, accept him for me and make him work as long You can on all kinds of things.--

VIII. Watch the Democrats [illegible] I-III.

Yours, very respectfully,

A Bull Moose.

[envelope front] Personal Matter to Miss Addams, containing a secret Message for The Interests of the Progressive Party, its Leaders and Members. (From A Bull Moose.)

[envelope rear] Please, do not open unless you are the person addressed to.-- Please tell nobody the Contents before 1917, except Pres. Roosevelt.

[label Christmas Roasts.]

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