Ada Lois James to Jane Addams, September 24, 1912


Dear Miss Addams,

This is in reply to a letter from Mrs. Smith in regard to your Wisconsin dates. -- A letter from Baraboo states that you will speak there Oct. 3rd" at 2 P.M. The Beloit people wrote that they expected to have you when you went to Janesville -- Then Miss Gale you know has planned to have you Portage for since last summer, -- I thought perhaps you had made some definite engagement with her.

La Crosse wired us about when you could come there [page 2] but I thought perhaps you had been making some arrangements with tremor through Miss Gale.

In regard to what Mrs smith writes co

Mrs Smith says that you understand that these meetings are for suffrage & have nothing to do with the Progressive Party. Of course that is as you think best, Senator La Follette intends to stump the state & talk suffrage & partisan politics, -- various congressmen are doing like wise, in fact we have urged the candidates on various tickets to talk [page 3] suffrage -- & among the speakers are Republicans, Democrats, Socialists & Prohibitionists. While we are not identifying ourselves with any party, we are more than glad to have all parties talking suffrage, and I cannot see any reason why you should not do the same if you care to.

Mr. Baker and Mr. Bloodgood called about three weeks ago and wanted us to furnish them the <with> lists of our members in fact to work with them both. I received literature from New York asking us <& a> [page 4] request to mail it,

[Today] a letter came from Mrs. Fairbank asking me to send as soon as possible a list of the members in the suffrage organization.

I told Mr. Bloodgood that I did not believe I had a right to identify myself or use our organization to further the end of any party he took the stand that because the Republicans Progressive had taking the stand for suffrage we were honor bound to stand by them -- but as the Socialists & Prohibitionists, haves a suffrage plank in their platforms & we have never nevertheless we are not all Socialists & Prohibitionists.