Frances Alice Kellor to County Chairmen, August 22, 1912.


<To be sent to County Chairmen when list is available>


August 22, 1912.


Will you advise us whether there are any women in your county interested in this campaign or working with us for the success of the Progressive ticket? If so, we shall be glad to send you literature for distribution, or help in any other way we can to interest them.

In accordance with the sentiments expressed by Col. Roosevelt in his telegram to Miss Addams, and the program of work approved by the National Committee, (copies enclosed), I earnestly hope that so far as possible one woman at least can be placed upon your county committee.  If you can possibly do this and send us the name, we will then advise and confer with her as to the program for women's work. We shall also be greatly indebted if you will send us the names of any women helpers, suffrage organization or clubs, to whom we can appeal for help in the campaign. Your [cooperation] in this matter is earnestly solicited. Send the names of the workers and we will do the rest in furnishing the necessary ammunition for the women's part of the work.

If you can use copies of the enclosed documents, advise us of the number desired.

Very truly yours,

Frances A. Kellor

National Committeeman

(Two enc.)

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