Jane Addams to John Gillett Oglesby, May 8, 1911


May 8, 1911.

Hon. John G. Oglesby,
President of the Illinois Senate.
47th General Assembly.

My dear Sir: --

We saw in the Chicago papers and this morning received a stenographic report of the speech delivered before The Senate My 4th by Mr. Francis Wilson in regard to the pending legislation on the child actor bill. As Mr. Wilson in his address quoted statements both from Miss [Nicholes] and myself and intimated that our source of information was not trustworthy I venture to request that an opportunity be given to one of us to reply before the Senate.

I realize of course that this is a very unusual request and make it only because the opportunity has been accorded to Mr. Wilson.

Public opinion is divided in regard to the wisdom of permitting children to appear upon the stage and both sides hold their contentions with equal sincerity. We therefore appeal to you in the interests of fair play that a similar opportunity be accorded to those citizens of Illinois who wish to maintain our legislation as it is at present.

Trusting I may hear from you before the bill receives its third reading, I am

Sincerely yours,