Theodore Roosevelt to Jane Addams, August 16, 1912

The Outlook
287 Fourth Avenue
New York
Office of
Theodore Roosevelt

August 16th, 1912.

My dear Miss Addams:

Can you explain the enclosed telegram to me? I suppose Bushey Heath is in England? Is the Mrs Fawcett named in the telegram the woman to whom I have seen various allusions in connection with the suffrage movement in England? If you care <to,> you can make the enclosed public, or return it to me, as you see fit.

I wish very much you would write one or two pieces on the new movement and what we Progressives are striving for in the way of social justice, especially for the women and children and those men who have the hardest time in life. I should like to have the movement, which at the moment happens to be headed by Johnson and myself, described by you, because I know no one else who could describe it as well.

Sincerely yours,

Theodore Roosevelt

Miss Jane Addams.