Frederick William Pethick-Lawrence to Jane Addams, August 14, 1912

address till Sept 4 c/o Harold Pethick
976 Heywood Avenue
British Columbia
(after that c/o Thos Cook & Son New York).


Aug 14. 12

Dear Miss Addams.

My wife & I unexpectedly find ourselves upon your side of the Atlantic & hope very much to have the pleasure of seeing you in Chicago. We have been ordered by our doctors to take a three months' holiday from work and are [utilizing] it to visit some of our friends [page 2] in America. On our arrival we are intending to go straight across to the pacific coast & expect to <visit> be in Chicago <on our return> for a day about Sept 18. Will you let me know whether you will be in Chicago then? I think it is some twelve years since I saw you & some fifteen since I visited Hull House, & I am very much looking forward to [seeing] you again & introducing my wife to you.

With all good wishes
I remain
Yours sincerely

F W Pethick Lawrence.

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