Edward Fisher Brown to Jane Addams, April 29, 1911


National Child Labor Committee

New York, April 29, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I acknowledge receipt of your favor of the <27th> in the matter of the stage child investigation. The situation it seems to me is critical and a good deal of pressure brought on the legislators at Springfield would probably clear the situation somewhat.

I have a great mass of stage material that has never been given publicity at all. It is most important that it be in the hands of our friends at Springfield I believe. I therefore wired you about coming on. If you believe my presence would help any I would come on and bring all the material we have and after a consultation with you, we could decide what move on our part would be best. Of course, you know the situation much better than I do, and I therefore depend on you for wisdom in this matter.

Cordially yours,
Edward F. Brown [signed]

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