Jane Addams to Julius Rosenwald, March 28, 1912


March 28, 1912.

My dear Mr. Rosenwald: --

May I introduce my friend, Mrs. Harriet [Van Der Vaart].

For many years Mrs. [Van Der Vaart] has been at the head of Neighborhood House, a very interesting settlement which, although situated in Englewood, occupies itself with many of the stock-yards' employees and other simple people. I have the greatest admiration for the quality of the work done there.

Perhaps more than any other settlement in town, Neighborhood House carries out the idea of a Neighborhood Guild, and the neighborhood spirit there is delightful. I think that if you and Mrs. Rosenwald found time to visit the House you would be much impressed with its unusual aspects.

Mrs. [Van Der Vaart], of course, wants money, and I have scarcely ever given a letter of introduction to anyone with like confidence, both in the person who bears it and the person to whom it is addressed.

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Julius Rosenwald, Esq.,
Chicago, Illinois.

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