Elsie Madiera Smith Lucas to Benjamin Barr Lindsey, June 22, 1906


June 22, 1906.

My dear Mr. Lindsey:

Yesterday I mailed you a photograph of Miss Addams and the report on Industrial Education which you wished to have. I hope these will reach you safely.

In regard to Miss Porter's proposed visit to Hull-House, Miss Addams regrets to say that she will be in Madison between the tenth and fifteenth of July as she has an engagement to give a course of lectures lasting six weeks. Miss Lathrop, however, is likely to be here though it is impossible for her to tell definitely at this time.

It is needless to say that Miss Addams will be very glad to have Miss Porter visit the house, and doubtless someone will be here who can help her in seeing [page 2] something of the Juvenile Court work.

I believe Miss Addams intends to write you soon, if she has not already in regard to the committee of which you wrote her recently.

Yours very truly,

 Elsie M. Smith. [signed]

Judge Ben B. Lindsey
Denver, Colorado.