July 30th, 1925
My dear Miss Addams:
I have received your two letters of the 25th and 26th and I was so glad to get them.
When I wrote you the International News Letter had not come and I have already taken up the matter of a story about the resolution sent forward by the French women on Morocco.
The [enclosed] I am returning to you as you requested me to do so in your last letter. I had this copied for Miss Surles, but have not touched the International work. She was very anxious that none of the International files be interfered with until her return.
I leave for my vacation on Sunday, but expect to be back in a month or six weeks.
Last night in a conversation with Mr. Libby I learned that the National Council is making a very strenuous attempt to get Mrs. Catt to take the chairmanship of the National Council for next year, and that there is a possibility that she will do this. I am wondering if you knew about it?