Speech to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Pittsburgh Branch, November 25, 1924 (summary)



In a brilliant address before the members of the Pittsburgh Branch of the Women's International League of Peace and Freedom, of which she is international president, Jane Addams, noted writer and lecturer, outlined the aims and object of the League at a luncheon yesterday in the Congress of Women's Clubs. Miss Louisa Knox, chairman of the Pittsburgh branch, introduced Miss Addams. Two hundred members and guest were present.

Miss Addams stated that the aims of the organization was for the prevention of war. "Intelligent organized women cannot but help have a great influence on the affairs of nations," said Miss Addams, "and the object of our league is to bring about international peace, for to women comes the realization of war in its true sense and what a permanent peace could mean."

In a small way the endeavors of the league have already been recognized when recently German women went into France and French women into Germany in an attempt to mitigate the bitter feeling caused by slow evacuation of the troops from the Ruhr, she pointed out. "Europe is quite ready to discuss peace plans," she said, "if not from a Christian motive, then for the simple reason that they are on the verge of extinction. The way to keep out of war is to avoid the small things which cause beginnings and the time will come when we will take the same necessary precautions which we employ against other disasters."

When questioned as to the organization's attitude toward the League of Nations, she replied that while it was in sympathy with the League it had never technically [endorsed] it. She spoke of the various conferences of the Peace league held in different countries and of the [cooperation] it was receiving from the churches. The European membership is far greater than American as Denmark alone boasts a membership of 19,000.

During her stay in the city, Miss Addams is a guest at Kingsley house. She is founder of the Hull House settlement in Chicago where she resides.