Statement On Len Small, November 4, 1924


Jane Addams Repudiates Small.

The turmoil in the La Follette camp over the repudiation of Small by Hiram Vrooman, La Follette elector, member of the campaign committee and head of the Farmer's Progressive council, said to number 500,000, boiled over yesterday. Two women leaders came out with denunciations as strong as Vrooman.

The statement came from Miss Jane Addams, internationally known social worker, and Mrs. Ethel Dummer, chairman of the La Follette women's committee. Miss Addams, like Vrooman, is a La Follette elector and member of the campaign committee. Their statement was made as another repudiation of the action of Charles J. MacGowan, manager of the La Follette state campaign, who called on La Follette voters to support Gov. Small.

Balk on Voting for Small.

"We, the undersigned," the statement said, "have been working wholeheartedly for the election of Senator La Follette with the understanding that the presidential campaign was quite detached from the state and local candidates, concerning whom we reserve the right of undisputed judgement. We deeply deplore the issuance from the state headquarters last Saturday of a sample ballot linking the votes for La Follette and Wheeler with a vote for Gov. Small.

"No part of the women's division knew of the matter and they, with thousands of La Follette workers throughout the state of Illinois, repudiate this recommendation of Gov. Small which so grossly misrepresents the political ideals of the mass of La Follette adherents."

The statement was signed by Miss Addams and Mrs. Dummer in their official capacities.