Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Julia Clifford Lathrop, October 24, 1911


October 24, 1911.

Miss Julia Lathrop,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Lathrop:

There has been considerable controversy in this state over the boy scout movement. I am a member of the National Council of Boy Scouts, and also the local council.

Some of my friends among the Socialists and labor people are taking me to task. They insist that the boy scout movement is a military affair and a terrible conspiracy of the aristocrats to raise up the children to shoot down the proletariat. But it never occurred to me in this way, and I am inclined to think their fears are groundless and result from misunderstanding.

I have been told that there is a Boy Scout Patrol at Hull House, and that the boy scout movement has the cordial approval of Miss Addams. I wish you would let me know if this is true, and if Miss Addams has any objection in any of these controversies here to my merely stating that I understand that the boy scout movement has her approval.

I believe you told me in your last letter that you would make some further answer to the letter I wrote you. There were one or two matters there about which I would be glad to hear from you if you have the time.

I am hoping for at least a stop-over in November between trains on a trip East this Fall or Winter to run over to Hull House.

I would appreciate an answer regarding the Boy Scouts as soon as possible, for we have a meeting regarding the matter in the near future.

Sincerely yours,

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