Hull House, May 26, 1911


A GOOD lady, whose piety seems to have dwarfed her sense of proportion, declares that Hull House, of Chicago, the institution founded and maintained by Jane Addams, is a Godless, Christless institution; where people dance when they feel like it, and receive no religious instruction at all.

Quite possibly a daily newspaper may fail as an authority in religious matters. But it seems to The News that Hull House is about as near an embodiment of Christ's teaching as this planet holds today. At Hull House, a group of educated, capable women and men have gone down among their less fortunate fellows, and are spending their lives in bringing sunshine and enlightenment to their new companions. Hull House, like the Master, sits among publicans and sinners; among fishers and carpenters; and talks to them of a new day, a new brotherhood, a new ideal of humanity.

"Not everyone that saith unto me: Lord! Lord I shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven."

If this be the standard -- and the Sermon on the Mount is reckoned pretty high authority -- Hull House is exhibiting about the most active Christliness that Chicago has to show. There be many Sunday schools. There be many pulpits. There be many institutions, colleges -- we had almost said principalities and powers -- to teach points of doctrine. There are not many Hull Houses to do the bedrock work among those who most need it. We stand by Hull House.