William Edward Dodd to Jane Addams, May 19, 1925

The University of Chicago
Department of History
May 19, 1925

My dear Miss Addams:

Yours of the fourteenth, enclosing copy of the letter of Mr. George Herron, received. I have looked over what he has to say and have thought a good deal about best methods of accomplishing the purpose which he has in mind.

I am a little doubtful whether Mr. Herron, or any one else, can influence Senator Borah, or any of the other men whom he has it in mind to approach. This whole League proposition, as well as the larger matter of a more kindly and rational foreign policy, has developed into a sort of impasse which seems to me to be very difficult of changing. The only hope that I can see lies along the way of consistent and persistent public education; and if Mr. Herron had access to any large audience in [midwestern] cities, I would suppose a visit from him might be of some benefit, but at present I have my doubts whether even that would justify a trip to this country. I wish I were able to give you a more decided opinion. I am returning to you the copy of Mr. Herron’s letter.

Yours sincerely,
William E. Dodd [signed]
Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
800 South Halsted Street
Chicago, Illinois