Calls for Preparedness, June 8, 1924



Head of Reserve Officers' Association Assails Disarmament Advocates

SYRACUSE, N.Y., June 8. -- The Reserve Officers' Association of New York, concluding its annual session late last night, selected Albany for the 1925 session.

Colonel F. T. Shiverick, who was reelected President, scored organizations and individuals in this country who are trying to spread a belief in total disarmament and other theories as the best way of insuring peace. Preparedness was the only sure solution of the problem, he said.

"The men and women who would suffer least from war in defense of our country are those most anxious to try out theories and experiment with disarmament, which in the light of history, it is known, would jeopardize our security," Colonel Shiverick continued. "Perhaps some have in mind dreams of Sovietism, Communism, Bolshevism and other 'isms.

"We have the opportunity to guarantee to this country peace by the only known practicable and tried means. Preparedness to defend and hold against aggression the peace of our country is the answer.

"A most insidious and dangerous form of aggression is now at work, and has been for many years, in an effort by propaganda, to destroy our most sacred national institutions. I refer to various international leagues and associations which largely are directed from foreign countries and supported by funds from abroad."

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