↑The reading of Mrs Catt's article in the Woman Citizen of May 31, which came yesterday has impelled this outcry.↓
Dearest J A
Before now we ought to have really seen each! This morning I especially want to talk with you about the League of Women Voters and the League of Peace & Freedom. Many of us would sadly but surely withdraw from the N.L.W.V. if we believed that any substantial lack of common belief as to war separated them or even worse if we thought any conscious injury could be done the W.I.L. by the other. [page 2] The difficulty and the correspondence with Secretary Weeks took place in my absence. In some way, whatever truth was forced out ought to help us all. But how?
I am going to a Cleveland Committee tonight and hope to see you next week some day.
Yours affectionately
Julia C Lathrop
June 6.