Amy Woods to Jane Addams, October 14, 1924


October 14, 1924.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

Following your telegram we received a letter from Mrs. Hull that Mr. Hull's mother is mortally ill, and it is a question of how soon she will be able to get to Washington for the Board meeting. I think it is wiser, therefore, for me to give up going to Detroit, until later. I shall hope to stop there on my way to Madison and perhaps have a chance to see you in Chicago.

I very much hope Mrs. Stewart will find strong support in organizing the Detroit Branch.

You will be interested to know the disposition of the Johnson pamphlet:

Johnson -10,000 copies. Amt. received.
Johnson 5,000 [copies.] $75.00
Miss McDowell 1,675 [copies.] 25.00
Massachusetts Branch 50 [copies.] 1.50
Pennsylvania Branch 1,000 [copies.] (to be received) 15.00
Miss Glücklich 1,000 [copies.]
Miss Addams 25 [copies.]
Intern'l Members in U.S. 800 [copies.] (to be distributed free)
Total 9,550 [copies.] total proceeds $116.50
Less than 1,000 remaining.
Proceeds to be returned to publication fund.

Miss McDowell is already writing for more and we have yet to hear from many of the Branches. Shall we have a second edition?

I have not concentrated on the distribution of the [Kirchhoff] pamphlet yet: [page 2]

[Kirchhoff] - 10,000 copies Amt. received.
Mme. [Kirchhoff] - 25 [copies]
Miss Glücklich - 1,000 [copies]
Pennsylvania Branch - 1,000 [copies] (to be received) $15.00
Massachusetts Branch - 50 [copies] 1.25
Miss Addams - 25 [copies]
International members - 800 [copies] (To be distributed free)
Total 2,900 Total proceeds $16.25

I am enclosing a copy of letter received from Mr. McGuire regarding Miss Abbott's pamphlet. I would like to get that out before the first of December if possible. Of course we deplete the fund of $300.00 which came from the International Report fund each time that we send out a pamphlet to all the International members without requiring payment. I think, however, you feel that that should be done? And we will run the republications until the fund is exhausted in this way.

Isn't it splendid that Miss Baber is going to South America! I hope that we may be able to go together.


National Secretary.
