January 13, 1925.
My dear Miss Addams:
While the action of the President and the Secretary of State has gone far to allay hostile feeling between America and Japan, nevertheless much is required to restore the formerly existing feeling of complete friendliness between the two peoples. The time has come to begin the educational drive in support of the whole program of this Committee and especially of Article 5: "To urge that after July 1, 1927, Japanese be included in the quota provisions of the new immigration law, thus laying the basis for right relations between the two countries."
The need for the kind of work done by this Committee is urgent. To do it in some degree commensurate with the situation would require a budget of not less than $25,000. The Secretary will be glad to send you copies of our publications and to answer questions regarding finances, administration and the work of the past year.
For the support of our work during 1925 members of this Committee and all who approve of its policy and program are invited to contribute. Checks may be made payable to the Treasurer, Edwin G. Merrill. Pledges for payment later will be equally acceptable.
May I ask you to suggest the names of important men and women whom we may invite to membership in the Committee of One Thousand which we are forming?
With high appreciation of your fellowship in this Committee and of your helpful cooperation, and with warm personal greetings for the New Year, I am
Very sincerely yours,