Emily Greene Balch to Henriette Margot Irmgard von Treuberg, October 21, 1924


Oct 21, 1924

Dear Countess Treuberg

As Miss Addams is overwhelmed with business just [now] she has [confided] to me the answering of your very interesting and touching letter of October 3rd. One hears from all sides the same sort of thing -- of the great hardship worked by our present immigration laws.

Although many Americans realize this it is not very generally understood or realized. Furthermore although liberal minded Americans may advocate a very different immigration policy I see no hope of any considerable change in it for a long time to come. [page 2]

The present fear of excessive immigration and determination to prevent it is widespread and intense. It may be in part a case of that "xenophobia" that the war seems to have bred in many countries. We must trust it will be a passing phase but I fear it will not be a very brief one.

Certainly we here must do all can against it in the cases of hardship that arise under the present law and work for its alteration. But I think you must not expect any speedy change.

We were sorry not to have you with us in Washington last spring. I hope that at [our next] international gathering you may be with us.

Yours faithfully --

Emily G. Balch