Carrie Chapman Catt to Mary Foulke Morrisson, December 19, 1924


↑Attention! This is the work of an extra stenographer. We are too pushed to have the letter done over, but I am ashamed to have it leave our office. Will you and Miss Addams please exercise leniency. C C C↓


December 29, 1924.

Mrs. James W. [Morrisson],
1431 N. State Parkway,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Mrs. [Morrisson]:

I was just on the point of writing Miss [Addams], and now I shall avail myself of the opportunity to answer your letter and over your shoulder, as it were, to direct some inquires to Miss [Addams]. Will you be good enough to pass this letter on to her.

It was voted some time ago that there might be 100 honorary delegates to the Conference on the Cause & Cure of War, and these delegates would be excused from paying any fee. They were to be given the right of discussion but not the right of vote. Each organization was organized ↑authorized↓ to nominate women for this list. At the next meeting of the Arrangements Committee, one organization made vigorous objection to the entire plan. Her point was that if these ↑cooperating↓ organizations were to agree upon a plan of [cooperation] which was to be recommended to their representative organizations, that the plan ought not to be accepted ↑formulated↓ by ↑[the?] [illegible]↓ persons who were not official delegates of the organizations concerned. After considerable discussion, the original vote was reconsidered and there are to be no honorary delegates or members of the Conference. Instead a complimentary ticket may be given to a few distinguished persons and on that list is Miss [Addams'] name. Such visitors will have no vote and are not expected to join in the discussion of the regular sessions. However, as no time is allowed either for discussion or to [voting,?] this is not a discrimination. The vote ↑[however?]↓ leaves me in doubt as to just what the status of these invited visitors will be. I propose to ask that they be given the right of discussion in the open forums. I feel that I do not have any right myself to define their status and the Arrangements Committee did not do it. Miss [Addams] will receive a formal invitation with a complimentary ticket of admission.

I do not know what you mean by Miss MacDowell's Committee unless the League of Women Voters has asked its regular Committees to name delegates. I think it would be very much better for Miss [Addams] to come as a regular delegate and I do not think that anybody will raise any objection to her appointment. Could she have heard the discussion the other day she would have been assured that she has the confidence and respect of every member of the Arrangements Committee. [page 2]

There is, however, a phase of the question which I have wanted to bring to Miss [Addams'] attention and I will do it now through his letter.

The League for Peace & Freedom seems now to be the particular target of those who are busy connecting all peace activities with red propaganda. I have supposed this League would defend itself and yet I have, from time to time wished for [illegible] ↑[the opportunity]↓ to bring certain things to Miss [Addams'] attention. I am sure the whole thing must make her very downcast. I believe [this] attack ought to be met in vigorous fashion. In a pamphlet, which I cannot at this time, allow to leave my hands, for I am investigating certain other parts of it, there occurs the statement that there are over 200 organizations in this country who are seeking to undermine our institutions. It says further that there are 611 papers which are also here to "destroy liberty." In this pamphlet an attack is made upon College organizations and it is that particular thing that I [am] investigating. I enclose herewith a copy taken from this pamphlet with the heading -- "Women’s Organizations."

I wish Miss [Addams] would let me know through you or otherwise how many of these planks were really adopted either by the International Convention or by the National Auxiliary or any State Auxiliary. If I am correctly informed the oath alleged to have been taken was presented by the same body, but never adopted. I don’t believe ↑they↓ did vote for the gradual abolition of private property rights and there may be other things included in this list that are also imaginary or malicious charges.

At present the propaganda of one or two groups is such that any association with the League for Peace & Freedom means an attack upon the group so connected.

We talked it over, however, and we were all agreed that Miss [Addams] should be protected from these attacks in every way possible. I, therefore, hope she will be in Washington, so that if any charge is made against the Conference, on account of her presence, it will give us the opportunity to rise in her defense. I am,

Yours very truly,

Carrie Chapman Catt [signed]
