Jane Addams to Hannah Clothier Hull, December 10, 1924


December 10, 1924

My dear Mrs. Hull:

As I understand Mrs. Catt's scheme, it is to unite women's organizations that have peace committees. She has asked no definite peace organizations to come in. I think offers of cooperation and service such as you suggest would be very nice.

Miss Balch wrote that you were feeling a little disturbed about the resolutions passed on the S.S. Andania. I do not believe we can do anything about them until the next meeting of the International Congress. We do ↑did↓ of course, follow the general directions laid down by the executive committee, but we are ↑were↓ obliged to modify as we are ↑were↓ able to secure speakers, etc, as any committee necessarily must. My conscience is quite clear about it, and I think in a short time the women will agree that we did nothing beyond the necessity of the situation.

I am quite disturbed by the fact that the D.A.R. are refusing the [Council] of Women the use of [their] hall. If it is solely because we are members of their organization [page 2] I really think we ought to offer to resign in order to cause them no such inconvenience. However, that is my own personal reaction to the matter, and as I was not in Washington at the time of the Convention and knew nothing about the situation as it gradually developed, I may be quite wrong.

Hastily, but affectionately yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Mrs. Wm. I. Hull.
c/o Mrs. Henry Leach,
170 E. 64th St.