Emily Greene Balch to Sarah Peacock Johnson, October 30, 1924


October 30, 1924.

Mrs. James C. Johnson,
Campbell County,
Women's Welfare Club,
Dayton, Ky.

Dear Mrs. Johnson:

I have only just come across a clipping referring to a speech made by you some little time ago, which showed that you are under the impression that this organization is in some way opposed to the use of the American flag.

May I call your attention to the fact that a large and very beautiful American flag loaned by the Navy Department was hung above the speakers' table at our recent Congress. I hope that this will convince you that you are [misled] by some unfounded statement.

As for the flag not flying over our headquarters, we have two modest offices in an office building in Washington, and we have no way of flying a flag above them.

Sincerely yours,
