Pax Party in Dayton, May 13, 1924



Foreign Delegation Also Is To Visit Antioch College.


Dayton, Ohio, May 13. -- A group of European women aboard the "Pax Special" arrived here [tonight] and will be entertained here [tomorrow]. Mrs. Edith E. L. Boyer, head of the Dayton Chapter of the International League for Peace and Freedom, will extend the city's welcome.

Part of the delegation will depart to carry their message of peace to students at Antioch College. Others will go to Richmond, Ind., to address students and faculty of Earlham College.

Luncheon for the delegates will be served at the Dayton Country Club, while journalists in the group will be guests of the Dayton Women's Press Club.

The entire delegation will be entertained at dinner at the Dayton Woman's Club, after which there will be a mass meeting in the Y.M.C.A. Auditorium.

Official welcome at the mass meeting will be extended by Mayor Frank B. Hale. Mrs. Boyer, as Chairman of the Dayton organization, will introduce Mrs. Amy Woods, of Washington, President of the International League, who will introduce the delegates to the Dayton audience.