Maren Marie Sandberg Puck to Jane Addams, May 8, 1924

RR 3 Box 268A Duluth, Minn.
May 8-1924

Dear Miss Addams

Some of us women in Duluth whose sympathies are strongly against war and who wish to find ways and means to work against this formidable enemy of humanity, are not a little agitated over the mobilization demonstration that the war department has decided to impose on the whole country on the twelfth of September this year.

At the last meeting of the Duluth branch of the League of Women Voters some of the [page 2] members expressed the opinion that the women ought to send in a protest against such a demonstration in peacetime, with the result that a committee was appointed to investigate the matter before any action could be taken.

Knowing you as an enthusiastic agitator of peace between nations I thought that you might be able to give us some more information about this thing and probably also tell us if your association has decided to protest against this demonstration. [page 3] Hoping to hear from you, I am

Sincerely yours

(Mrs) Marie Puck
Chairman of Com.