Rosika Schwimmer to Jane Addams, April 7, 1924


April 7. 1924.

My [dear] Miss Addams,

A vicious attack of acidosis which I am trying to fight out of my constitution did its worst these last days. That prevented me from sending you the rotas about Monsignor [Giesswein] and Count Lucidi earlier.

Thank you for the Who is who and the list. I suppose correction to both are too late now. I only call your attention therefore to the somewhat confusing method of listing some people from the country to which they politically belong, while others are listed from where they come. F.i. Vilma Glucklich is listed from Switzerland and Mrs. French from Hungary. I know that the Hungarians are greatly embarrassed because of Mrs. French's demand to be made a Hungarian delegate as she did last year in Rome. May I therefore under strictest confidence inform you that they would be much relieved if some international ruling would make it impossible to list her as Hungarian delegate. Of course Both the list and the Who is who contain mistakes and misspelled names.

I am looking forward to the program of the Washington Congress [and] the preliminary Executive meeting.

Devotedly yours