Julia Henrietta Gulliver to Jane Addams, August 23, 1910


August 23, 1910

My dear Miss Addams:

I have recently received an urgent letter from Margaret Monrad who has been spending a number of years in Denmark in the study of Art. She graduated at Rockford College in 1901, and after a year or two of post-graduate work at the University of Chicago, she went to Denmark. She had one of the finest intellects that we have ever had at Rockford College, but is inclined to be exceedingly introspective and analytic. She started out to make a specialty of Philosophy, but I soon saw that it was not healthful for her. I hoped that art would take her out of herself, and to a degree this had happened, but now she longs to work among poor people, and to give of herself and of her talent to them to the utmost of her ability. In other words she wishes to teach drawing, clay modeling or pottery in a social settlement, and to do anything else that she is able to do. Unfortunately she is entirely dependent upon what she earns, and can only take up this work if she had a salary. I am venturing to write directly to you in regard to her, as she must make a decision very soon, and I felt that, if I should wait to hear from her again, it may be too late to help her. If you are at all interested in her case, you will perhaps write her directly. Her address is Miss Margaret Monrad, Villa Karere, Snekkersten, Denmark. I think she is about thirty years old, and I am sure that you would secure in her a most faithful and enthusiastic, not to say brilliant, worker for Hull House.

Very sincerely yours,
[Julia] Gulliver? [signed]

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

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