Emily Greene Balch to Bainbridge Colby, March 12, 1920


March 12, 1920.

My dear Mr. Secretary,

We are informed that the American Y.M.C.A. has units ready and willing to help in the relief and repatriation of prisoners of war still in Siberia, and that the English and French governments have given their permission for the Y.M.C.A. units to proceed but that the government of the United States refuses to allow them to do so in spite of the urgency of Mr. John R. Mott that this permission should be granted. These things are credibly reported, and at least widely believe throughout Europe.

As many branches of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, notably the English branch, and the Dutch and Scandinavian branches have deeply interested themselves in the repatriation of the now relatively few survivors of these most unhappy victims of the war may I respectfully request information as to this situation? I urge this the more heartily upon your attention as I am in receipt of the two appended documents (copies)

I have the honor to be

Very faithfully yours,

signed (Emily Greene Balch)

Bainbridge Colby Esq.
Secretary of State,
Washington, D.C.