Address to the Friends' General Conference on Americanization, July 8, 1920 (summary)



Jane Addams Talks on Americanization at the Evening Session.


CAPE MAY, N.J., July 9. -- Every seat in the auditorium and its gallery were taken last night when Jane Addams, of Hull House, Chicago, addressed the Friends' General Conference on Americanization, based on her experiences in settlement work the last thirty years. When she was abroad thirty-five years ago, she said, the great word was unity. She gave instances of the different countries incorporating the nationalistic feeling of that time.

When she was abroad and in Germany to see about the food situation last year, she said, she found just the reverse or a general pulling apart everywhere. To have unity in this country, she said, the immigrants must be brought to talk things over as in the town meetings of early American history. A current event teaches Americanism more than any lecture.

She told of a policeman in Chicago thirty years ago arresting a Russian without a warrant. He had been mandamused and forced to release his man and obtain a warrant for the rearrest. That, she said, taught those people about our laws.

She deplored the want of feeling for the people of other countries among the American people generally. Among the few who are doing something to better the food situation abroad, she spoke of Herbert Hoover, the Jews and the Friends. If one point of the league covenant was "That the children must be fed" it would be one worth making, she declared.

She praised the work of the Friends in the feeding of the children of Germany and other countries, saying they were known for it all over the world.