Jane Addams to William Kent, March 7, 1910


March 7, 1910

My dear Mr Kent: --

It seems very absurd to thank you for the use of the playground after all these years but we really have been very grateful and it has brought untold pleasure to thousands of children and young people. I am very sorry that nothing could be done with the West Park Commissioners but the many times I approached them on the subject they made clear their feeling that land on Polk Street was too expensive for Park and playground purposes. I finally gave it up as I told Mr Boyden when he called some months ago.

The Small Parks people are moving the equipment from our playground into the playground adjacent to the Dante School and we hope in time to carry through the long [page 2] cherished plan of extending the open space up to the Juvenile Court. A fine park was opened in the Jewish quarter only last week and altogether things have moved on a great deal since your land afforded the pioneer playground so long ago.

I am having all kinds of a time with the American Magazine in regard to my articles. In the bottom of my mind I hold you responsible for after all it was your letter which finally induced me to send on the material. If anything of value comes out of it yours will be the credit.

May I send cordial greetings to Mrs Kent and your Mother.

Very sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

William Kent, Esq.,

Kentfield, California.