Dearest Mrs Barnett
Your note came last evening just as I was on the point of writing you. I had hoped to do it on the boat but found a typhoid inoculation too serious a detriment.
I wanted to ask you as Hon Pres't of our International Federation of Settlements, in regard to a meeting of the Continuation Committee while I am in Europe. I meet Mary Smith in Marseilles January 12" when we take P.&O. steamer to Bombay and thence around the world, landing next summer at San Francisco U.S.A. so that the next weeks seem to be my one time for such a meeting.
Mr Kennedy has written to Capt Ellis about such a meeting date in Dec or early in January and I hope to have a word from him. Miss Coolidge wants the meeting to be held in Paris on January 9" (1923) on the ground of cheering up the French section who would perhaps find it [page 2] rather difficult to come to London so soon again. Miss Coolidge would return to Paris for such a meeting. On the contrary the Germans would probably not come to Paris owing to difficulties with passports [etc.] and it might therefore be better to call a meeting of the international continuation committee in Holland. What do you think about it? I will be in this hotel at least until December 10" (Hotel Wittebrug -- The Hague -- Holland).
It may be better to give up an international meeting and let me meet personally as it were with the French in Paris, it will at best be a long time before we have our next Congress in 1925!
How are you dearest friend? And do you want to bother with visitors just now, settlements or no settlements? Wouldn't it be nice if you could come to Paris to visit me there. I shall probably be there some days before Mary Smith arrives on Jany ↑7" or↓ 8" on the Olympic sailing [illegible] the U.S.A. on December 30th.
How many things I want to talk to you about and how much you could tell me about the prospective journey! I wonder what you would think of our conference? May I send you material from time to time as the program develops? The settlement people who met again in East Aurora this year sent very tender and loving messages to you. We all ↑love↓ you dearly but no one quite so much as your devoted Jane Addams.