4506 Maryland Avenue
My dear Miss Addams,
There is a possibility that the enclosed letter sent over by Mrs. Brown last July, will be used by supporters of Senator Reed. Anti Reed members of the W.I.L are protesting against Mrs. Brown’s letter. [page 2] I am being asked why the W.I.L. supports Reed, and whether the entire League supports this letter. My reply has been that I can find no mention in the letter, of the League, as such, supporting Reed for the Senate, and I emphasize the opening sentence of [page 3] Mrs. Brown’s letter. But it’s no use.
Now won't you please make a statement that I can use, Miss Addams, both about this letter and also where you stand on the present League of Nations. We all know where Reed stands. Feeling is running very high here in this fight [page 4] against Reed. I personally am ashamed of my lack of self control when Reed’s name is mentioned, and I certainly will do all I can to keep him from being [reelected].
It seems years since we last saw you -- are there any possibilities of a visit from you.
Mrs. Gellhorn tried to find some one to take [page 5] the German children back, and had her German cook inquire if any of her friends going back would take charge of them if paid for taking care of them. But the only ones who might have taken the children, ended by not going themselves. [page 6]
Please let me know whether there are any prospects of your coming to us.
With a great deal of love ↑to you↓ from all the Taussig big and little -- also from Aunt Rose
Very affectionately yours
Florence G. Taussig