Edward William Bok to Jane Addams, May 16, 1907


May 16, 1907

My dear Miss Addams,

We feel indeed indebted to you for your article on "Why Girls Go Wrong", and I feel personally glad at the larger social note, so largely concerned in this whole question, which you strike therein. Hitherto our articles have, as they rightly should I think at the outset of the discussion, dealt only with the safeguards in the home, and hence your treatment of the outer safeguards at once, and logically, widens the whole question and [page 2] discussion.

Mr. Crissey writes me you felt we might wish to modify that part of the article dealing with the dance-halls. I have read this over carefully, but see no reason for any modification. It is possible that the article may exceed our space, in which case you will be so notified as the time of the submission of proof. But in all other aspects I see no reason why the article should not be printed as written. In fact, as I say, our feeling with regard to the entire article is only one of pleasure, and I feel a personal pride in its publication.

Sincerely yours,

Edward Bok

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