Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, May 22, 1922


May 22nd

Dear Miss Addams

I hope you found out if Jeannette Rankin would consider the place of W.I.L. Exec. Sec'y. She has been so loyal in her [stand?] & is very charming & lovable. I was not impressed that she is very executive, she depended on her sister for her secretarial work, and does hate to write a letter, but the same arrangement might be made again, she would have to have office help & Miss Koehler seems very capable that way [page 2] or some one else could be found. I have not heard from Mrs. Karsten so suppose she is not in New York. We will have to do some thing on the 26th. I wonder if Mrs. Odell has any idea of reconsidering. I am leaving every thing open till then, as I have no authority to act & cannot very well ask people if they will serve & then have them turned down by the Board.

I hope there will be a good attendance.

Affectionately yours

Lucy Biddle Lewis