Chicago, February 4, 1922.
“If the Conference should adjourn Monday without the slightest act in furtherance of the suggestion of a flag of all nations, or a world flag, it will have missed an opportunity to do a telling service to its professed cause.
“A concrete suggestion is shown in the flag designed by myself and wife and formally tendered the Conference through its Chairman on December 1st. The flag can now be seen in the private office of our Secretary of State.
“While not inclined to press the adoption of the particular design with undue zeal, it does seem to me that the tender of such a flag can appropriately be requested, if not demanded, in the name of the general cause for which the Conference has been called.
“Many whose interest in world peace is heartfelt and sincere, believe that its tap-root is a world fealty. All must concede that a flag is the universal symbol of fealty. If, then, a world flag shall sooner or later be adopted, a total ignoring by this Conference of such suggestion, and this in the face of a concrete tender, may become a matter of future and poignant regret.
“I therefore feel prompted to appeal to each of our American delegates to do something tangible in aid of this feature of the service, and at least to see that the tender of the flag to the Conference be completed and the record in this respect be fully made.
“World fealty is an idea basic to all religious faiths, and hence necessarily recognized by scores of millions. Any plan for an ultimate and abiding world peace which ignores this principle is doomed in advance. And hence a standard properly symbolizing such fealty makes a most telling bid for recognition and adoption.”