March 13, 1922.
Dear Miss Addams,
I am looking forward with very special pleasure to seeing Mrs. Inouye.
You are probably right in not consulting Gladys Vanderbilt. It is hard for me to judge how serious the situation is but I will do all I can. I enclose a copy of a letter, as you see very carefully worded, that I sent to our Budapest Section hoping they would have the shrewdness to see that it was intended for use as a sort of "piece justificative" at the trial. We have heard nothing for some time. We will do everything that we can and ↑I↓ am glad to have your suggestions and backing.
I think that unless we have very bad luck the rent of the bed rooms of the Maison Internationale will just about carry the whole expense of heating, cleaning and lighting or (what is equivalent to the same thing) about one half of the expense of rent, heating, lighting and service. I cannot tell until Mrs. Elgie comes just how we shall shape the arrangements under her régime.
The books arrived in excellent condition and were very welcome, but I am crazy to see the book of which one chapter was given in a copy of the Survey Graphic lent me the other day.
Money from Associate membership is coming in pretty well. At the end of February our balance was only about 1000 francs shorter ↑less↓ than at the end of January, but the printing bill for the Bulletin has not been paid yet. ↑(c. 700 francs).↓
Plans for the Summer Schools are going on prosperously. Apparently Frl. Baer and Mlle Dejardin are to sail April 15 on SS Manchuria. As a consequence of a telegram received on Friday I am trying to find an English lecturer through our London friends. -- On the other hand there does not seem a prospect of getting many Ex. Committee members together this month and we may decide to postpone that meeting.
Yours, as you know,
Emily G Balch [signed]