Emily Greene Balch to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Executive Committee and Consultative Members, January 27, 1922 Also known as: Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, January 27, 1922


Geneva, 6 rue du vieux collège

Circular Letter to Executive Committee & Consultative Members (A)

Series of 1922


January 27, 1922.

Miss Marshall, Mlle. Gobat and I make the suggestion that the annual meeting of the Executive Committee and Consultative Members be held at Genoa (Italy) either the week before the Conference that is March 1-8, or after the Conference begins (it is called for March 8). It is at least conceivable that the presence in Genoa at this time of representatives of an international organization like ours might be distinctly useful, influencing public opinion and, directly or indirectly, members of the official Conference.

It might have an advantage also in view of the hoped-for summer school in Italy, making it easier for Italian guests helping about the school to meet with members of the Executive Committee, and for the letter to see for themselves, if they so desire, the proposed place of the meeting.

Please reply promptly stating:

1) whether you favor this plan,

2) if you do not, what times and place you would prefer.

Mme. Duchêne would like to meet in Geneva in March when the Save the Children Union has its meeting here (the date is not yet fixed). Frl. Heymann speaks of a meeting in Munich. Dr. Sahlbom suggests our meeting in Scandinavia.

Attention is called to appendix III (on the last page of the Minutes of the Executive Committee at Vienna) where our Swedish Section suggest holding Executive Committee Meetings either in different countries or else at Geneva at the time of the meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations.

(signed) Emily G. Balch
