Emily Greene Balch, to Jane Addams, December 22, 1921



December 22, 1921.

Dear Miss Addams:

I enclose copies of what I have written in response to the letters sent me by your secretary asking me to answer on your behalf. I hope that they meet your ideas.

I had a very interesting time in Washington after you left, although I did not get to see any of the statesmen. ↑[written in right margin] 717 Woodward Bldg. Wash.]↓ Mrs. Greeley will be the head of a committee on the Austrian credits matter, and Miss Helen Todd and Mrs. Jenks will act as a separate committee, alone or associating other people with them, cooperating with Mrs. Greeley. Mr. Villard is interested. The administration is coming out in the papers saying that an attack is being made accusing the United States of being solely responsible and denying that this is the case. This brings the matter into the open and gives a chance for a come-back. Mr. McDonald is sending to the New York Times a letter which I drafted and of which ↑I will send↓ I enclose a copy. I stayed over in New York to speak at a Foreign Policies dinner at which Mr. Filene spoke of the Austrian credit situation and at which I was given an opportunity to emphasize the matter further. The situation at present is this. The plan for a commission on war debts headed by Secretary Mellon has got stranded, as the Senate is unwilling to grant the powers that Mr. Mellon desires. Mr. Filene has decided that an effort should be made to get separate legislation. If so, ↑this is done,↓ it would be desirable for everybody to push for the prompt success of this.

In New York I could not see Mr. Duggan but saw Miss Alexander and had a good talk with Mr. Duggan over the telephone. He was quite hopeful of our having a small grant of Carnegie money for international courses in Vienna. I enclose a copy of my letter to him as well as of other letters bearing on our common interests. Professor Hudson tells me that the League of Nations has something in mind in the way of international courses. I shall get in touch with them as soon as I return and find just how the land lies.

I shall write to Professor Shotwell about the Ferriére plan as soon as I return. He is in London [page 2] with the London School of Economics. Mr. Duggan also is interested in this plan but I doubt whether I get help on that at present. However, it may be better than I think.

I want very much to get a little money for the Swedish commission plan. Do you know of any one who might be interested? I am sending out a circular letter on the subject including Miss Widegren's circular.

Helen has told me of her suggestion to you that I prolong my absence from Geneva. I do not think well of the plan. I think I had better go back even if I had to rest after I got there, which I do not anticipate. Madame Duchêne is expecting me, and I hope she has arranged some speaking dates for me in France. Madame Gobat is, I suspect, just holding out until I get there. She was not at all well when I left. My experience in Washington and New York, where I really was under a good deal of pressure and up late and meeting many people and speaking, showed me how much reserve I have. It is true that when I return here I feel the effects in a return of some of the symptoms of fatigue and strain, but much less than what I had a month ago. I think that in Geneva I can save myself somewhat if I need to and that it is well for me to be on the spot, even if I should be unable to put in a whole day six and one half days a week. However, I do not anticipate anything but a fairly satisfactory capacity for work. Of course I wish I were worth one hundred times more than I am but it seems to be the case of doing the best I can with the energy and ability I can command.

Mabel Kittredge arranged a meeting at Mrs. Leach's of all our old League members in New York. The notice was short and the time not a propitious one but we had quite a good little meeting, and I think it will result in the formation of a local New York branch which it is essential that we should have. I am going on to Philadelphia on the fifth so as to speak if possible in Philadelphia or Haverford in the afternoon before speaking at the college in the evening.

If you will send the books in question to me here, I think I had better make up a box of them, yours and mine together, and take them on with me. I think that Miss Alexander would send us a good many from New York also.

I do not know what you refer to about parade placards. I am awfully sorry that Mrs. Villard has been troublesome. I had a nice talk with Mr. Villard, although far too short, and he spoke apologetically about his mother, quite understanding [page 3] that her age and her preoccupation with one formula make things difficult.

I ordered a copy of Mrs. Swanwick's book, "Women under Socialism", expecting to receive it in time to send to you for Christmas. It is obvious that that will not be possible, but I trust it will reach you by and by. ↑[written in left margin] It has come & has been mailed to you with great love.↓

I enclose some cards for associate members in case any friends turn up who might like to join us in this way.

When I was in New York and Washington I made inquiries about a copying machine. It seemed clear that much the best thing would be to get a mimeograph at $150. I had pretty well decided that it would be best to make this purchase when it occurred to me that perhaps the Germans with their cleverness and low prices might be able to do better by us. I spoke of it with Mrs. Leach and she thought our present work was all right at its best but that copies that were too poor were also employed. I should very much like your [judgment] on this matter.

In the meanwhile I send you as ever and always my loving and grateful good wishes.

Yours, as you know,

Emily G. Balch [signed]