General Committee on the Limitation of Armament, October 1921


The General Committee on the Limitation of Armament had its origin in a call issued by Mr. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, to a selected list of 150, inviting them to a conference on the subject.

The organization of the General Committee was accomplished at a Conference held in the Hotel Lafayette in Washington on October 18 and 19, 1921. A preliminary statement of object was agreed upon and the foundations of a permanent organization were laid.

At a meeting of the Governing Board on the 22nd of November, the following statement of purpose was agreed upon:


1. The General Committee will seek information regarding the Conference on the Limitation of Armament from all available sources, official and unofficial, and will strive to assist in the formation of an enlightened and insistent public opinion on the issues involved.

2. The General Committee views the American proposal of November 12th for the reduction of naval armaments as a splendid initial move in the organizing of the world for permanent peace, and, by its very definiteness, as an indication of method which offers large hope for future progress.

3. The General Committee will keep before the public the fact that even when all the agenda before the present conference is disposed of, only the first steps toward permanent peace will have been taken, and that, if America is to hold the lead which it has gained by its bold proposals for naval reduction, it must press for the redemption of the Administration's pledge to bring the nations of the world into some organic and continuing relationship.

The General Committee on the Limitation of Armament is supported by voluntary contributions. Those wishing to support it either by public speaking, through local organizations or with funds, are requested to address communications and remittances to

WILLIAM H. SHORT, Executive Secretary
1319 F Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.

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