Catherine Elizabeth Marshall to Vilma Glücklich, August 27, 1921


August 27th, 1921.

Fraülein Vilma Glücklich,
v. Katona [József] ut. 41,

Dear Fraülein Glücklich,

Miss Addams has sent on to me your letter to Miss Balch, which explains the telegram I forwarded to her from you. I enclose a copy of a letter Miss Addams has sent to Count Bánffy. I hope very much it will have the desired effect. We want you here so much.

Mlle. Gobat is taking steps to obtain a Swiss [Einreisebewilligung] for you, so that there may not be any delay at this end.

About the question of salary raised in your letter to Miss Addams, which she has referred to Headquarters Office Mlle. Gobat and I do not know what proposal was made to you by Miss Balch, nor do we know what is the salary you would be giving up in order to come and work for us. The sum which has been roughly allotted for whoever came to do the work you have been asked to undertake was, I believe, 500 Swiss francs a month, which is a sum within the possibilities of our League's exchequer for four months' work but we should like to know from you just what you feel would be right in your case.

I [illegible] ↑passed on↓ your last letter to me to Miss Addams calling her attention to your suggestion that she should write to your ↑[illegible]↓ Foreign Minister in [favor] of the proposal [that you] send the Princess Albert Apponyi as one of the Hungarian delegates to the League of Nations. Miss Addams feels that it would not be advisable for her to write such a letter. She did, as a matter of fact speak with Count Bánffy on the question of including a woman among the representatives, urging this very warmly as a general principle. She feels sure that the definite proposal will come with much more weight from the Hungarian National Council of Women, and that the Council is doing everything that is possible in the matter. Needless to say, we all hope their efforts will be successful. You might find it a useful additional argument in [favor] of sending a woman to point out that at present, whilst the participation of women in international politics is still something of a novelty anything that is said by a woman delegate will receive particular attention. (It was so last year in the case of Fraülein Henni Forchhammer.) [page 2]

Miss Addams is at present at the Palace Hotel, Caux. I join her there on Monday, returning here on Thursday, September 1st, to plunge into League of Nations work. Miss Addams herself comes to Geneva on September 3rd for a week. I wish it could be longer, but she has engagements which call her back to America.

It will be so delightful if you can come here and work with us. It would be a great help to me personally to have you with your experience and wisdom, to consult on the many difficult questions of policy that are sure to arise. It will be a great responsibility to be the only member of the Executive Committee in Geneva. I feel especially conscious of my lack of knowledge of the history and conditions in Central and Eastern Europe.

Yours truly,

C. E. M. [initialed]