Albert May Todd to Jane Addams, May 27, 1921

Kalamazoo, Mich., U.S.A.

May 27, 1921.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams:

I have the pleasure duly to receive your kind favor of the 11th instant, which I should have acknowledged promptly were it not that you were immediately leaving for the East and I thought it best not to occupy your time until after your return; I am accordingly now writing you to thank you for your letter and to say that I shall be more than happy to enjoy the honor of meeting you in Chicago as you suggest at such time as may be convenient for you and possible for me.

I note from your letter that you expect to [sail] for Vienna, June 4th leaving Chicago about the first and I should be very glad to have an interview with you before you leave but since you will be naturally quite busy in arranging for your trip, possibly it may be wiser to act upon your further suggestion that the conference might be best postponed until Fall when more time could be given to it, and perhaps with some added experiences of value.

Being also extremely occupied myself with many duties all of which look toward the same result it makes it quite difficult to give needed attention to the important plan that we had under discussion; but I shall look forward with very great pleasure in meeting you after your return, if you will be so good as to advise me your wishes.

I also had the pleasure of receiving a few weeks ago a letter on the stationery of Hull House from a gentleman who was also interested in the subject of the founding [page 2] of a school of Social Science in Chicago, but which unfortunately got mislaid and hence has not been answered. Possibly this gentleman may have written in part at your suggestion and if you recall who he is, I will be very grateful to you if you will express to him my apology and my promptness to write him as soon as the lost letter is found, which I trust will be the case. You may meantime if you recall him be at liberty to transmit my views of the situation as expressed to you. I greatly regret the apparent discourtesy arising from the mislaying of his letter.

Trusting that your [forthcoming] trip will be a most prosperous and happy one, and that I may enjoy the pleasure of meeting you after your return, I remain

Sincerely yours,

A M Todd [signed]

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