Jane Addams to Rose Marie Gyles, July 10, 1908

JA to Rose Gyles_July 10, 1908_1_UIC.jpg
JA to Rose Gyles_July 10, 1908_2_UIC.jpg

Dear Lady

Miss Lund wrote to you in regard to Mr [illegible] address because I have been rather up in the air in regard to the Culver Club, I thought possibly he might live there. In the mean time however Mr White has turned up from Kansas, and seems to me a very fine fellow. Dr [Raycroft] thinks most highly ↑of him↓ and I believe we have a treasure. He promised four evenings & four afternoons (two classes each time) for 75.00 a month. [page 2] [One?] Dr Grant told me yesterday that he could place Miss [Karsten] in the fall for $70.00 a month. Do you suppose Miss Victoria K. could take some classes under you? It occurred to only today.

I am out here at Sister [Maude?], where it is altogether cool and delightful. She sends her greetings to you -- I hope Kansas isn't hot and that you are resting.

Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

July 10" 1908