Charles Ernest Elcock to Albert Joseph Kennedy, November 16, 1920




November 16th, 1920.

Dear Mr. Kennedy,

I am very much interested in your letter of October 21st, in which you suggest the organization of an International Federation of Settlements.

I enclose you copies of the literature published by our Association, so that you will see exactly what our aims are.

The matter of an International Federation has been before our Association in [cooperation] with the World Association for Adult Education for many months past, the matter being discussed in September 1919. The World Association for Adult Education has for its Chairman Mr. Albert Mansbridge, The Treasurer is Lord [Gorell], and Lord Haldane is very closely working with the Association. The address is 13 John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 2, and if you like to get into touch with Mr. Mansbridge, it might be of considerable assistance to you.

The fact is that my own Association has been asked by the World Association to become the nucleus of an International Settlements Association, and we have made arrangements for holding an International Summer School in this country next July. The arrangements are well ahead, and I have been asked to particularly invite representatives from your Federation to this meeting, particularly Miss Jane Addams. The date is fixed for July 2nd. to 6th, 1921, and we hope to discuss "World Ideals in Adult Education," and we hope to have representatives from all over the World, including the U.S.A.

It has occurred to us in talking over your letter, that possibly your Federation might form a nucleus of a branch of this International Association, just as our Association would be the [center] for work on this side of the water.

We are particularly anxious that you should not feel we consider there would be the slightest rivalry between the two International groups, but that we should merge our efforts together into one great movement, which would possibly have two [centers], one with you and one with us, meeting, possibly biennially, for mutual discussion.

Kindly let me know your ideas in this matter, when you have fully discussed them with your group.

I beg to remain,

Yours sincerely,

C. Ernest Elcock.