Jane Addams to James Grover McDonald, June 21, 1920

American Relief for Russian Women and Children
[Cooperating] with American Friends Service Committee
Room 1318, 19 South La Salle Street, Chicago

My dear Mr. McDonald:

I am sending you a marked list of the members of our little organization. Those marked with an "o" came in with the distinct understanding that we would do no political work and therefore I am afraid they would not sign such a petition, [although] it is possible that Dr Billings might and it would be a fine thing to have his name. I have marked the others which seemed to me most important with a cross and have added Mr Kellogg Fairbank ↑name.↓ who He made a fine speech before the resolutions committee of the Republican Convention at the hearing we had ↑on↓ raising the Russian Blockade.

Mrs Blaine has been out of town and I have been unable to see her but I will jog her secretary on the matter.

It seems to me that the one word you have added to the MSS would remove the last possible objection and that I have nothing more to add. With congratulations on the Russian report and its reception by the liberal press I am

Faithfully yours

Jane Addams [signed]

June 21st 1920

↑P.S. I have asked our sec'y Mrs Graham Taylor to send you the address of anyone on our list.

J. A↓