David Starr Jordan to Jane Addams, May 4, 1920


May 4, 1920

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
800 S. Halsted Street
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I find that various engagements which have been forced upon me leave me a short time in Chicago. As matters are, I expect to arrive there on Thursday, May 20, by the Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul at along toward noon. I expect to speak at the Chicago School of Civics for Miss [Breckinridge], and I must get away as soon as possible afterward, being due the next night at Battle Creek. I shall hope not to miss seeing you on this trip. I shall go to the Auditorium Hotel. My address on the way is c/o Dr. Frank Dyer, First Congregational Church, Tacoma, where I speak Sunday night, leaving Monday morning.

Very truly yours,

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